Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"E", the Visualizer

As a teenager, I had a friend named "E". For the most part, he maintained the persona of a tough guy, with the selling of drugs, carrying guns, and general intimidation. Before recently I never thought of him as someone to learn from(which, in turn, became a lesson in itself, ironically). There was a little quirk about E: At any given time E could describe how a situation was about to take place, even including events that he was not physically involved in! I witnessed this on several occasions. If we were out for the night and a dilemma were to arise, E would be the first to vocalize his ideas to fix things. He would lay out a whole scene, making sure that everything connected to make the outcome that we wanted. Some times there would even be dialog. Most of the time we would be in agreement, and the evening would proceed as foretold. Typing this now, I wonder if it was a combination of his wishes and our agreement that helped. It was infectious. Before we knew it we were all doing it. It kind of made E a sort of spiritual teacher. None of us had ever even heard of the word "visualization", much less known what it entailed.

Today I use it as an example of how consciousness exists even when one is not conscious of it.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I would agree that we are all experiencing life and haven't totally pinched off our connection with source. As I learn to see the light in myself I see the light in everybody. Your friend knew something. I can remember friends like this. I started my awakening at 22. I personally lived in a full blown drug culture at the time and I was amazed at how many high people wanted to talk about "God" with me.
Nice blog:)

C. Om said...

It goes to show you how there is a part of us that likes to label things and people so we know where we stand with them. Then there is the part that simply observes. We learn only from observing.

Excellent story! We can all learn from some of the most unexpected sources.


bometernally said...

Great post!. If only we all could be more conscious of this aspect of visualizing and realizing we are mapping things out like your friend E.

I agree with C.Om that " We can all learn from some of the most unexpected sources."