Thursday, September 18, 2008

All is One

Yup, that was Walter Lee Watson III circa 1978 or so. Those children were enemies at that moment. It was a struggle to get them to chill out enough to take the picture. The guy snapping the photo just could not get the boy to smile. The photographer finally gave up, and the result was what you see here. A moment came where her life was in danger and it made him think about her completely different. He'd spent so many years not liking her just because. It all went out the window when his ego had to face losing something to lash out at. Before he knew it, he recognized that he would miss her being around. He accepted the fact that he loved her. She got better, and so did their relationship.
It's hard for me to say that is me because I realize that my cells and bones have regenerated to a point where that literally is no longer who I am. I did not just grow, I became anew! That girl next to that little boy was his sister, Alexandria. The Alexandria of today is in the Air Force and has also become anew. The reality of it is that I always loved my sister, and that her life was always a precious and delicate thing. It is also reality that I loved her, even when we fought. So, indeed I have not told you two stories, but one from two different perspectives. All

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