Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Spirit is a Muscle

I was working out the other day when a thought crossed my mind. I started thinking about people who may appear limited physically, but somehow are able to "move mountains". My wife, for example, does not work out regularly, but her job requires her to lift heavy boxes, often. She says that she is able to accomplish her tasks by "using her heart". Where does that strength come from? I don't think she means her physical heart, but her spiritual one.
I also asked a question of myself: Where does the strength come from to believe in, well, anything? We all recognize that it requires a certain "push" to display faith. These questions also compelled me to ask questions about the inverse of faith. What is lacking in a person who appears to have everything but believes in nothing? The key factor in all of these questions is what we call "spirit". It is, essentially, an "invisible muscle" that we can or cannot exercise every day. Practicing Yoga can help you get a glimpse of this "muscle", but most of its work goes on behind the scenes, in the formless realm.
Much like our physical muscles, all of us use our "spiritual muscles" at least a little every day. The question usually lies in what we use them on. Some things enhance our spirits, some things do not. I am speaking mostly on perspective, because any situation, whether judged to be good or bad, can be used for the betterment of our inner selves. This means that one can constantly be strengthening their spirit if they so choose.
I cannot say exactly what spirit feels like, it differs from person to person. I can say that it usually does not withdraw energy, it deposits it. Follow your heart and it will lead you where you need to be. The first step is recognizing that you have a spirit in the first place.

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